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Shortening the Feedback Loop: How Fast Testing Leads to Faster Decisions in Software Development


Thomas Decock



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In the fast-paced world of software development, time is of the essence. Businesses need to deliver features and products quickly to stay competitive, and development teams are constantly under pressure to ship high-quality software faster than ever before. One of the key factors that can make or break this speed is how quickly feedback is provided during the software development lifecycle.

Specifically, in the realm of test automation, shortening the feedback loop can drastically improve both the speed and quality of decision-making, ultimately leading to faster product releases.

In this blog post, we will explore how fast testing accelerates the decision-making process, why shortening the feedback loop is critical for modern development teams, and actionable strategies to achieve faster feedback using automated testing.

The Importance of the Feedback Loop in Software Development

The feedback loop in software development refers to the time it takes to get feedback on code changes, identify bugs, and make informed decisions about how to proceed. A shorter feedback loop means that developers can identify issues faster and take corrective action more quickly, which in turn leads to higher productivity and faster iterations.

Conversely, a long feedback loop delays the identification of problems,making them more costly and time-consuming to fix later in the development process.

Consider the traditional waterfall approach to software development, where testing typically happens at the end of the development cycle.

In such models, feedback is delayed until the entire product is complete, meaning that any bugs or issues discovered may require extensive rework. This not only slows down the development process but also increases the risk of delivering buggy or incomplete software. Agile and DevOps practices, which emphasize continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), are designed to solve this problem by integrating testing earlier and more frequently, thus reducing the feedback loop.

However, even in Agile and DevOps environments, the feedback loop can be further optimized through automated testing. The faster developers receive feedback on their code, the faster they can make decisions and iterate on improvements.

How Fast Testing Accelerates Decision-Making

1. Early Bug Detection

Automated tests can be executed continuously as code is developed, ensuring that bugs are caught early in the process. Early detection not only saves time but also makes it easier to pinpoint the cause of the issue since the codebase is still fresh in the developer’s mind.

With rapid testing, developers can receive almost immediate feedback on code functionality. This allows them to make quick decisions, such as whether to proceed with further development or fix an issue right away. In contrast, manual testing or slow, infrequent testing processes often delay feedback, leading to longer decision times and more technical debt.

2. Faster Release Cycles

One of the primary objectives of modern software development is to increase the speed at which features are released to users.

Automated testing plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by providing near-instant feedback on code changes. A well-implemented test automation framework can execute thousands of tests in minutes, whereas manual testing could take hours, days, or even weeks.

This quick turnaround allows teams to integrate small changes frequently and confidently, without waiting for lengthy testing cycles. As a result, faster feedback from tests translates into faster release cycles and more frequent deployment of updates.

3. Enhanced Developer Productivity

Long feedback loops hinder developer productivity. Imagine a scenario where a developer submits code and has to wait several hours, or even a day, to know whether their changes pass the tests. During this time, they either continue working on the same task without knowing if it’s broken or they switch to another task, which could cause context-switching fatigue.

Fast, automated testing eliminates this waiting period. When a test suite can be executed in minutes, developers get almost immediate feedback. This keeps them in a focused flow state, enabling them to either proceed with their work or quickly address issues.

In turn, this leads to a more productive team that can make decisions with confidence, without losing momentum.

4. Risk Mitigation

Every time a change is made to the codebase, there’s a risk that it will break existing functionality or introduce new bugs.

Automated regression testing helps mitigate this risk by continuously testing the entire system with each new change. Rapid test execution means that any potential risk can be identified early and addressed before it reaches production.

This swift feedback allows development teams to make informed decisions about whether to roll back a change, refactor code, or continue with deployment. Faster risk assessment directly influences the speed and the confidence in decision-making, improving overall software quality and reducing downtime or defects in production.

Strategies for Shortening the Feedback Loop in Test Automation

1. Optimize Test Suite Execution Time

One of the most effective ways to shorten the feedback loop is to focus on the speed of test execution. Slow tests can bottleneck the entire CI/CD pipeline, so it’s critical to optimize test suites to ensure that they run as quickly as possible.

Some strategies to improve test speed include:

  • Parallel Test Execution: Running tests in parallel rather than sequentially can significantly reduce the total test execution time. By distributing tests across multiple machines or threads, larger test suites can be completed in a fraction of the time.

  • Test Prioritization: Running the most critical tests first, such as unit tests that cover core functionality, can provide immediate feedback on whether the code is fundamentally broken. Non-critical tests can be deferred or run after the main pipeline execution.

  • Test Suite Maintenance: Over time, test suites can become bloated with unnecessary or redundant tests. Regularly reviewing and pruning the test suite can help remove tests that no longer provide valuable feedback, further speeding up execution.


2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing

Continuous Integration (CI) encourages developers to integrate their code changes into the shared repository frequently, while Continuous Testing ensures that automated tests are run as part of the integration process.

Together, these practices shorten the feedback loop by ensuring that code is tested as soon as it is committed.

CI tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Argo CD, etc. can automatically trigger tests with every new code commit, providing real-time feedback. As developers work in small, incremental changes, they receive faster feedback on the impact of those changes. This constant stream of feedback fosters quicker decision-making and a more agile development process.

3. Shift-Left Testing

Shift-left testing refers to the practice of performing testing activities earlier in the development cycle. The earlier a bug is found, the easier and cheaper it is to fix. By integrating test automation into the early stages of development—such as during code reviews or at the time of code commit—teams can dramatically shorten the feedback loop.

One way to achieve shift-left testing is by writing unit tests as part of the development process. Tools like JUnit, NUnit, and Jasmine allow developers to write small, isolated tests that can be executed quickly, ensuring immediate feedback on their code.

4. Invest in Robust Test Infrastructure

A well-designed test infrastructure is key to achieving fast feedback. Investing in scalable, cloud-based infrastructure for automated testing, such as services like AWS Device Farm or BrowserStack, allows teams to run tests on multiple environments simultaneously. This enables testing across different browsers, operating systems, and devices without delays, ensuring quick and comprehensive feedback.

Moreover, implementing tools like Docker for test environment isolation ensures that tests run consistently across different stages of the pipeline, reducing false positives or negatives that can slow down the feedback process.


In today's fast-moving software development landscape, reducing the time it takes to get feedback from testing is critical for making faster, better decisions. Automated testing plays a crucial role in shortening the feedback loop by providing quick, reliable insights into the quality and functionality of code changes. By optimizing test execution times, adopting continuous integration and testing, and investing in robust infrastructure, development teams can significantly accelerate their feedback loops.

Shortening the feedback loop isn’t just about increasing speed for speed’s sake—it’s about enabling faster, smarter decisions. The quicker developers can get actionable insights, the more agile the team becomes, leading to better software, faster releases, and ultimately, a more competitive edge in the market.

Test automation is no longer optional in modern software development; it is a necessity for teams aiming to move fast without sacrificing quality. By focusing on shortening the feedback loop, you not only enhance your development process but also set the stage for long-term success.