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Adventures in Automation; Me and my time at AutomationSTAR 2023 in Berlin.


Roland Thuys



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As b.ignited, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve. That's why I had the opportunity to visit the AutomationStar conference in Berlin last November. It was a two-day event packed with learning, networking, and gathering information on cutting-edge test automation practices.  

But guess what? Great news for those who missed it! AutomationSTAR is happening again soon, this time in Vienna on October 9th and 10th, 2024. And let me tell you, we're sending some of our sharpest minds to experience it firsthand! Now, let's dive into some of the highlights of my trip and the valuable takeaways I brought back that will prepare our team for this year's conference. 

Goes back in time  

Coffee, rainy wheater and the streets of Berlin

Once upon a time... I woke up on Sunday with a cup of coffee in my hand and an empty backpack that could be filled with dreams and information. The weather forecast offered a stark contrast to the excitement brewing inside me – rain was on the menu. So, rain boots and an umbrella found their way into the mix, and off I flew to Berlin. Because it was a Sunday and the conference didn’t start until tomorrow, I had some time to explore the city and see some of the famous landmarks, such as the Brandenburg Gate in the rain, the Berlin Wall in the rain and the Reichstag in the rain. 

But besides the good weather, it couldn’t get my spirit down. Full of joy and excitement for tomorrow, I went to bed, waiting for a lovely sunny day! 

Day 1: TypeScript and Automation with Playwright Framework 

Monday morning, it rained, we kicked off with a half-day Playwright tutorial! Playwright, for those unfamiliar, is a test automation framework for web applications that's been making waves in the industry. This session was designed to be an accessible introduction, perfect for anyone curious about leveraging its power. 

We started with a clean slate – a brand new project, untouched and a lot of potential. Our guide led us through the setup process, explaining each step in detail. TypeScript, a powerful language beloved for its type safety, was chosen for this tutorial. By the end of the morning, we had transformed that empty project into something exciting: a foundation for crafting powerful automated tests. 

It wasn't just theory, though. We got hands-on experience too! The session progressed through a series of practical exercises, each one building upon the last. We started with the most basic interactions, learning how to navigate to a web page and interact with simple elements. As our confidence grew, so did the complexity of the tests we were building. By the end, we had a solid understanding of how to interact with elements, assert expected behavior, and even handle dynamic content. 

This tutorial showcased the framework's potential to streamline the testing process and ensures the quality and stability of our web applications. It left me eager to delve deeper and explore the possibilities Playwright offers. 

Looking ahead to the upcoming Vienna conference, the agenda is filled with more tutorials and talks. From "Mastering Web Automation with Robot Framework and Playwright" – a session that promises to unlock the combined power of these two titans – to "Ramping up Modern Performance Testing," there's something for everyone, regardless of experience level or testing focus. I can't wait to hear all about the knowledge that will be brought back this year! 

The afternoon filled with knowledge 

The afternoon sessions at AutomationStar brought a vibrant mix of topics to the table, ensuring there was something towards everyone's testing curiosity. One of these talks was "Behold MBT: A Guide to Improve Coverage, Collaboration, Mindset & You," about Model-Based Testing (MBT). This session delved into how MBT can be leveraged to enhance test coverage, foster better collaboration between testers and developers, and even shift our testing mindsets. Imagine a world where tests are built around the application's core functionalities, leading to a more comprehensive and efficient testing process! 

Another session, with the deceptively simple question, "Do We Automate Everything?" sparked a lively debate. This wasn't just about the technical feasibility of automating every test case; it was a deeper exploration of the value and limitations of test automation. The session likely offered valuable insights into where automation can truly shine and where human expertise remains irreplaceable. These afternoon talks were a powerful reminder that the testing world is constantly evolving, and AutomationStar provided a platform to explore these cutting-edge concepts. 

Day 2: Continued learning: more talks, networking, and vendor interactions. 

On Tuesday, I attended more talks on automation testing. One talk that particularly grabbed my attention was titled "Anti-Fragile Automation." This intriguing concept explored how to build test automation solutions with fragile tests in mind, an issue I personally have had multiple times. This talk gave a view on approaches on how to handle this problem.  

Another session, "RAMP Up Your Testing Solution: Test Automation Patterns," delved into the world of design patterns for test automation. This was a practical session, packed with actionable strategies for crafting well-structured, maintainable, and reusable tests. Learning how to leverage these patterns can dramatically improve the efficiency and effectiveness of any test suite. 

These were just a few of the afternoon's offerings. There were sessions on a wide range of subjects for various testing interests. I can only imagine the diverse and exciting program that awaits at the upcoming conference! 

Learning from experts: The hallways of the hub 

The sessions at AutomationStar were undeniably packed with valuable information, but the learning didn't stop there. In between presentations, the conference hall transformed into a hub of connection and discovery. The exhibitor booths contain solutions on their take in automation testing. 

Leading the pack were industry veterans like JetBrains and Tricentis. Their representatives were eager to showcase their wares like Aqua, the testing IDE from JetBrains or Tosca, a powerful Ai driven testing tool of Tricentis. We delved into the fascinating world of test data management – tools that ensure your tests have the right fuel to run smoothly. Test orchestration solutions were on display, promising to streamline the execution of complex testing suites. And let's not forget the power of clear and insightful reporting and analytics. These tools shed light on the testing process, helping us identify bottlenecks and optimize our strategies. 

All good things come to an end 

After the conference ended on the second day, I took the wonderful metro to the airport and flew back home. It was a valuable and enjoyable experience which gave me insights on testing. It was an opportunity to venture into the world to see if this conference could benefit us in the future to learn, experience and share information. And yeah, let us say, it is. I can't wait to hear about the discoveries of my colleagues this year, and all the other gems they'll unearth in Vienna. There's no doubt they'll return to Belgium overflowing with ideas and strategies that will propel b.ignited's testing practices to even greater heights.  

But for now, this is a goodbye, I’ve shared my adventure with you, and it was a lovely journey, I’m sure we will meet again soon. Bye! 

:drop mic: